Vaše nová jurta podpoří Mongolsko

Project GER - English sum-up

Project Objectives:
· In collaboration with 
Caritas Czech Republic to support the production of yurts in remote rural areas of Mongolia

· Contribute to livelihoods of Mongolian steppe herdsmen affected by the catastrophic winter mortality of cattle due to frost (so-called "Dzud")

· Promote awareness of culture conditions and the current situation of herdsmen in the Mongolian steppe and sales support of yurts made in the project in the Czech republic and Europe

 The most important part of the project are YOU.

Purchasing original traditional yurt - produced by people of our project directly in Mongolia countryside - you bring into your life freedom and freshness of all the elements of nature as well as beauty and comfort proven by millennium life in extreme conditions of the Mongolian steppe.

 Here you can find an description of Project GER  - english translation of an interview with Michal Kristýnek in czech travellers magazine "Koktejl"


For any further information dont hesitate to contact us.

Photos from the expedition you can see here